Copyright Notice

Updated on: January 16, 2022

Welcome to use Huamao Wallpaper ( (Hereinafter referred to as this website), please read all the following carefully before using this website.

Pictures and related contents:

As all the pictures on this site are uploaded by users, this site does not have sufficient monitoring ability to review whether the pictures and related content are infringed or not.

We encourage users to fully supervise the images and related content on the website. When the copyright owner makes an infringement accusation and shows sufficient copyright proof materials, we will verify the complaint report at the first time, and promptly clean up the infringing works and related content.

All pictures on this website shall not be used for commercial purposes; If commercial use is required, it shall be authorized by the copyright owner and comply with relevant national laws and regulations. In case of disputes arising from illegal use, all consequences shall be borne by the user.

If the copyright owner finds that his/her work has been infringed, any unit or individual shall submit his/her name, telephone number, identity certificate, ownership certificate, specific link (URL) and detailed description of infringement to the copyright complaint reporting channel when complaining to the website. After receiving the relevant report documents, the website will delete, block Disconnect links and other measures to remove relevant content suspected of infringement.

Website development and related production:

It is not allowed to copy or copy this site or create images on servers other than the site. The site's logo, source code, and layout design of all pages, all copyrights belong to this site.

Copyright complaint reporting channel:
